Sunday, September 21, 2008

We Did It! 151 inch Pumpkin Circumference

A month ago I set a goal to get the pumpkin to a 151 inch circumference. I knew we would need everything to go right in order for it to happen and that the odds were against me. Today we reached that goal! The pumpkin hasn't grown an inch vertically in the last 7 days but it has kept growing wider. It has been a little scary because of the potential of a split but so far it has held together. Five more growing days until I cut the pumpkin from the vine. There is a slim but outside shot of hitting 800 pounds by weigh-off time. Growth has been slow lately so I'm thinking low to mid 700s for the final weight.

If anyone sees a picture of a large pumpkin with a 2-year-old standing next to it in the Denver Post would you please let me know. The Post is supposed to run a picture of my pumpkin in the paper but they only said that it would be at the end of the month without an exact date.


  1. Great Job Jamie! It was a trying year, lots of splits everywhere but yours held on. 700+ is a very respectable pumpkin for any grower, and especially so for a 2nd year grower.
    Greg Hopson

  2. Thanks Greg! Dont't congradulate me yet. I had a nightmare last night that my pumpkin went down. Looking forward to seeing you and your pumpkin on Saturday!
