Monday, September 8, 2008

Who Has Been Messing with My Tape Measure?

I can't explain it, but my pumpkin appears to have put on 37 pounds in the last two days. The temperatures were cold today and were only mildly warm yesterday so growth typically would be really slow. I even took one inch off yesterdays measurement because I just knew it couldn't have grown two inches yesterday. Today's measurement confirmed it however. Another inch beyond yesterday's measurement. I'm guessing that the increased potash I've been giving the pumpkin has pushed it through some of this cold weather. Just hope that when the sun comes out tomorrow and we hit 80 degrees that we don't explode. Right now I have 18 days to grow 9 more inches to hit my goal.


  1., since your fabulous wife posted "call to comment" on her blog today I figured that I had better at least let you know that your blog is not completely ignored. I read it ALL of the time. Though I never really plan to grow a huge pumpkin...I do enjoy my tiny patch, and have even used a few of your ideas to help them grow better. I hope "Dillboy" gets bigger, and rounder, and orange'r, and more PRIZE worthy every day! Good luck with it.

  2. Thank you very much mattsmom. One of the main reasons I started the blog was the hope that I could share a few good pumpkin growing ideas with others. Hope your pumpkins are growing BIG!
