Saturday, November 29, 2008

Ginger Bread House Pumpkin Grower Style

Merry Christmas from the ginger bread pumpkin patch!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Next Great Pumpkin Grower?

My 2-year-old son just ran up to me exclaiming "Big pumpkin, daddy!" He then lead me into the kitchen where I found a butternut squash that my wife had bought wrapped with a tape measure. "Big pumpkin, daddy! Big pumpkin." For the good or the bad I seem to have some influence on my child.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Pumpkin Seeds Available for Trade

Please contact me if you have any interest in the following pumpkin seeds at

925 Giarrusso (904 Stelts x 1385 Jutras)
1108 Giarrusso (1225 Jutras x 1068 Wallace)
1197.5 Hooker (1385 Jutras x 1470 Wallace)
939 Hooker (1566 Rodonis x 1470 Wallace)
1116 Hooker (1470 Wallace x 1385 Jutras)
725 Lewis/Marrone (998.6 Pukos x self)
813 Lewis/Marrone (1195 van Kooten x 998.6 Pukos)
1138 J Johnson (1180 Daletas x 1420 Larue)
1075 Scherber (1407 Hemphill x 1450 Wallace)
1053 Pappas (1340 Kline x 1110 Wallace)
1095 Pappas (1110 Wallace x 1340 Kline)
546.4 Zaychkowsky (898 Knauss x 1068 Wallace)
924 J Johnson (1231 Pukos x 1028 Sherwood)
1003 J Johnson (1173 Macari x 1420 Larue)
709.5 Lovelace (869 Calai x 1370 Rose)
1005.5 Sawtelle (1180 Deletas x Sibb)
755 Johnson (300-500 Dill est x self)
489 Mohr (1446.5 Werner x self)
1175 Andrews (1370 Rose x 603.5 Muller)
997.9 Andrews (1334 Daletas x 692 Andresws)
975 Andrews (848 Mackenzie x 894 Hebb)
813 Andrews (873 Andrews x 878.8 Andrews)
810 Andrews (878.8 Andrews x 873 Andrews)
663.5 Andrews (845 Bobier x 1370 Rose)
555 Andrews (641 Andrews x 500 Northrup)
445 Andrews (641 Andrews x 940 Mombert)
575 Lewis (1314 Beauchemin x 1248 Ford)
1010 Frantz (1083 Frantz x 581 Young)
523 Landry - (689 Beauchemin x 1420.5 Larue)
477 Hopson (1010 Frantz x 1097.5 Beachy)
1144 Horton (1314 Beauchemin x 735 Pukos)
759 Paton (1002 Paton x 867 Vincent/Gill)
829 Minix (419 Pukos x Self)
827 Minix (1025 Bobier x Selfed)
954.5 Mackenzie (1163.5 Mackenzie x 1250.5 Kline)
857 Myers - (1180 Daletas x 1233 Reiss)
793 Ebbett (757 Ebbett x 840 Parks)
1110 Sawtelle (598 Swartz x Self)
1037 Ornskov (1019 Megechelsen x 825 Foss)
800 Seymour (1180 Deletas x Sibb)
683 Dettweiler (1043 Lyons x open)
504 Chenier (1301.5 Eaton x 1355.5 Marion)
466 Hopson (695 Handy x 1097.5 Beachy)
1043 Lyons (842 Eaton x 953.8 Kennedy)
791 Sundin (880 Sundin x 947 Hunt)
916 Sawtelle (1057 Hebb x Self)
956 Sawtelle (771 Stellpflug x Self)
968 Giarrusso (1108 Giarrusso x 1006 Giarrusso)

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Pumpkin Patch Cover Crop

Cover crops are a great thing to get started in October in Colorado. The cover crops can add additonal nitrogen, build organic matter in the soil, and help areate the soil. In October I put down a cover crop of annual rye grass and white clover. The white clover is a nitrogen fixing plant which will pull nitrogen from the atmosphere and fix it in the soil. The annual rye grass is what is called a green manure. Both the clover and grass will be rototilled in at least 4 weeks before planting the pumpkin in the spring. Cover crops are an inexpensive and great way to build your soil.