Sunday, January 11, 2009

New 2009 Pumpkin Seed Lineup

Okay, I said I wouldn't change my mind about my seed lineup but I did. A very kind grower sent me some additional seeds that rocked my lineup. I now plan on growing the following:

1566 Rodonis (1450 Wallace x 1231 Pukos)
1450 Wallace (1068 Wallace x sib) - thanks Thad!
1363 Werner (985 Werner x 1450 Wallace)
1528 Starr (1350 Starr x 1041.5 Mckie)

Trying to decide the crosses for these seeds make my head spin. At this point the following are my best thoughts. Let me know if you have any suggestions.

1566 Rodonis x 986 Pukos (pollen from another grower)
1528 Starr x 1566 Rodonis
1450 Wallace x 1363 Werner
1363 Werner x 1566 Rodonis


  1. Great website. I to love to grow big pumpkins. (with marginal results). I do have a quick question. Do some seed varieties like the Colorado climate better than others? Any response is appreciated.
    Jim in Henderson

  2. Thanks for visiting Jim. The answer is yes, but it is a tough question to answer. The problem is that you will find that even within certain varieties there are strains that will tend to do better or worse in Colorado. Our cool nigths in my opinion is one of the biggest challenges with growing big in Colorado. There are some Atlantic Giant strains that appear to do better in cooler climates and grow big but it hasn't been totally proven yet. If you want to grow big Atlantic Giants are the only way to go. Let me know if you would like some seeds.

  3. Jamie, I would love to get some Atlantic Giant seeds and try to grow big. Can I send you some money?


  4. No money. Send me an email at and I'll send you my address. All I ask is that you send me a self-addressed stamped envelope and I'll send you a few seeds from some pumpkins that are around 750 pounds. I also ask that you let me know how those seeds did for you.
