Using the data on I pulled a report to find out for a given seed what the total number of pumpkins over 1,000 pounds where as compared to the number of seeds grown. These two numbers give you a percentage of pumpkins grown over 1,000 pounds. This number is significant because it gives a grower an idea of the likelihood that a seed will produce a big pumpkin based on past results. The following is a snippet of the results. Full results can be found on the homepage.
Seed | Percent over 1000+ pounds
1068 Wallace 75%
1689 Jutras 70%
1566 Rodonis 69%
500 Wallace 67%
1041.5 Mckie 64%
998.6 Pukos 60%
1450 Wallace 60%
Jamie, great site, can you contact me at stafford(at), or through this blogger account, I would like to ask you some questions.
Hello, I am from WV and took 2nd place at the WV Pumpkin festival 2 years ago. My personal record is about 850 LBS (estimated)- Anyway I am looking to trade for some Giant Pumpkin seeds. Would love to get a hold of some of your best seeds and I will send you some of mine. Let me know and take care. Thanks so much and I really wanna try go over 1000 LBS this year.
ReplyDeleteDoc Moore
1213 Maple Street
Saint Marys, WV 26170