Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Hail Netting in Hail Capital USA
Did you know that one of Colorado's titles is Hail Capital USA? From experience I know it is a fact. I've been working with a great company out of Italy for getting hail netting for the 2010 pumpkin season. From sad experience I learned to be a competitive giant pumpkin grower in Colorado you need to have hail netting. The hail netting I'm getting is unique in that the "threads" are clear which allows for a more strength and a tighter weave to keep hail from getting through, but it still lets light through. This particular netting provides a 14% shade which will help reduce heat stress during the sometimes hot summer days and will also reduce UV damage to the leaves. Denver's UV light is 21% higher than at sea level and that level or UV rays can make pumpkin leaves less productive and a little crispy as the season goes on.