I started soaking my seeds last Monday and Wednesday and now the pumpkin plants are 4-6 days old since the germinating process began. To the right is a picture of all of the plants except for the 1019. 1316 and 1129 are the biggest so far, but the 1528 is on par with those two even though it is two days younger. 1161 is a bit small and the 1236 has those funny crinkled leaves. The weather here in Denver is beautiful so I decided to let them all do a little sunbathing today. Click the picture for a larger view.
Are the pots the same size, or are you showing some favoritism??
All the pots but one are the same size (the one in very middle is just a touch narrower than the rest). No favortism. Going by the statistics my "best" seed is the 1161 which is the smallest plant in the upper right hand corner. The average pumpkin weight for progeny from the 1161 is the highest of any seed all time but for now it is my smallest plant. I've only got 3 spaces for the 5 plants so it is going to be hard to pick the keepers.
So, if I'm not a pumpkin officianado like yourself, but I just want to grow some medium sized pumpkins, when would I plant my seeds, and what's the BEST variety, do you think?
I would start your pumpkin plants indoors on May 1st and put them outdoors around the 15th. A variety of pumpkins that I really like is Prizewinners. They have great shape and dark orange color and can get up to 200lbs (the one I grew 3 years ago was 141 pounds).
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