Monday, June 28, 2010

Pollination #2 Today

Today I pollinated the 1161 at about 13' with Joe's 1544 Revier. The 1544 is 1385 Jutras x 1161 Rodonis so it has some fire power in it. The Pollinator of the 1544 grew to 1,579 pounds. Joe's plant has been a real beast of a grower. Most all of the traits I look for I've seen in this plant so I think it should be a good cross.

The pumpkin on the 1161 at 9' has been a slow grower so far. To early to worry about it, but hopefully this plant will be kicked into high gear in three weeks. The vines and root system of this plant are to good to not grow big.

The 1236 pumpkin that was pollinated a few days ago seems to be doing okay. Still shiney and growing and that is the two most important things at this point.

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