Sunday, August 1, 2010

This Year Compared to My Rookie Season

Officially I've only had one Atlantic Giant pumpkin go to scale. That was my 755 pounder so at this point in the season it is the only pumpkin I have to compare this year's pumpkin to. On this day two years ago my pumpkin was 319 pounds lighter than the 1236 pumpkin. In fairness I got this years pumpkin pollinated two weeks earlier than my first year's pumpkin. In looking at the chart for my 755 Johnson I actually had a really good first 30 days. It actually beat this year's pumpkin by 3 inches at the 30 day mark and was on target to go over 1,100 pounds. Then, very soon after that, it tanked. Ouside of some one day spurts it did very little. There is a lesson in that. Slow and steady wins the race says the Biz.

Gave the plants a very small touch of magnesium, manganese, CO2 for the calcium tonight.


  1. Can I just say that I love that you blog about your pumpkins. It is like watching a kid grow.

  2. Thank you! Are you referring to me or the pumpkins growing? lol
