Another bitter sweet day at the weigh-off. Pumpkin #2 ended up a respectable 4th place, I got a personal best, but ended up going about 9% light on the scale again with a pumpkin that ended up weighing 868 pounds. Although it was a bit discouraging I think the seeds in this pumpkin are going to be good ones. The cross is 1161 Rodonis x 1544 Revier. I'm hoping that the 1544 Revier will add the heavy gene and a
bit more growing punch to this cross which is the two things that the 1161 needed to improve. The root system and leaves on the 1161 were amazing so I look forward to seeing what this cross could bring next year.
Congrats to Pete Mohr in Longmont on a fantastic new state record of 1,306 pounds. Pete also grew an 1161 and had a great looking pumpkin from it.

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