Thursday, May 26, 2011

Kind of Slow Growth; Pray for Sun

Growth is a bit slow right now for all of my plants. My good wife took care of the plants while I was out of town and did a very good job, but my 868 plant was looking a little yellow when I got back. I gave all of the plants a pinch of blood meal and magnesium this morning along with some water and this evening the plants were looking a bit better. A few hours of sun this morning didn't hurt either today. I don't thing these plants have seen a full day of sun since they went in the ground however. Right now I think I'm about 6 days behind where I was last year. I planted earlier last year but the spring was warm and sunny so the plants got a great start last year.


  1. My plants slowed way down almost to a stop any

  2. The solution will depend on why you think they slowed down. Cool temperatures, overly hot temperatures, disease or a lock of nutrients (particularly nitrogen) can all make a plant slow down. Also I find I am often the cause of slowness due to a lack of patients. Sometimes the plant seems slow because I want it to grow faster but it is often going about as fast as it should grow. A picture diary helps me fix that issue. What do you think is going on with you plant?

  3. Hi again well I have kept them covered and removed the covers when it warms up with black plastic around the plant, to keep the soil warm, and it seems like when I put them outside, it just slowed way down compared to when they were germinating, this is my second year, I was at the RMGVG meet and greet, Im Andy in east Arvada just so maybe you can put a face with me.

  4. When do you have black plastic covering the plants?

    Growth this time of year usually seems kind of slow.

  5. Hi again, i had the black plastic around the plants base until this last weekend to heat the soil then removed it,thinking not enough water was getting to them....I also put another tablet of biotamax around my garden this weekend too. maybe I will give it another week and make a decision on whether to keep what I have going or start some back ups....
    But I sure love this stuff...thanks for all your help!!!
