Monday, June 27, 2011

I Was Robbed!

I'm not for mother-in-laws staying at your house for 6 months, but come on. How does someone who cleans your house beat out giant pumpkins?

Thanks for everyones kind comments. We hammed it up for the show and had a lot of fun doing it. Back to tending pumpkin #1 (Jerry) and pumpkin #2 (Ricky).


  1. Just for the record, our family agrees with you 100%! You were robbed and still deserve the billboard.

  2. Thanks Andy. We need to start a grass roots campaign that will bring NBC to it's knees. lol

  3. Yeah, if it would have been up to the celebrities instead of the audience, you would have definitely won.

  4. Thanks Patrick. Next show I'll make sure you are in the audience.
