Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Pollinated the 1204 Scherber Plant Today with 1810 Stevens

Today I pollinated a female flower on the 1204 Scherber plant with the 1810 Stevens. The 1810 is a male flower from a plant grown from a seed that came from the world record 1,810 pound pumpkin that Chris Stevens grew last year. The female flower was a perfect 5 lobe flower that is at about 12 feet (which is just the right distance from the main stump). It is going to be hot in the pumpkin patch today so I'll have the misters going. I'm hoping this pollination takes because the timing, position and distance is just ideal.

If this pumpkin grows well and becomes my keeper (I only grow one pumpkin per plant) then I will name it Ricky (i.e. Ricky Gervais). Pictured below is the 868 Johnson followed by the 1204 Scherber.


  1. Good luck!! I watched your episode last night and I loved it!! I'm sure Ricky will be thrilled with his punkin ;)

  2. Thanks! I'm hoping for a big one.

  3. Stumbled upon this blog and love what you're doing! I'm a giant pumpkin virgin. I started a plant as an afterthought and it is NO where the size of your vine!! But, it is growing and we'll see what happens. I will keep track of your progress and try to avoid vine envy! What a great blog!

  4. Thanks for stopping by. Don't get to caught up in the salad. It is important to grow as big of a plant as fast as you can so it can power the pumpkin, but at the end of the day it is the roots that count most and the pumpkin at the end of the season. Enjoy your growing this year!
