Monday, June 27, 2011

Pumpkin Porn & The Truth About Pollination

Much was made on the show yesterday about pumpkin pollination. Most giant pumpkin growers don't let the bees do the pollination because they want to control the genetics. One of the reasons the world record 1810 pound pumpkin is in existence is because pumpkin growers have been breeding the pumpkins to get bigger and bigger.

The term "pumpkin porn" was first penned by my wife in one of her popular mommy blogs (it was one of her most popular blog posts ever). Although it didn't have much to do with pollination it is one of the things that my wife likes to give me a hard time about because I always tell her that we can't do the family vacations around pollination time.

You may want to overt your eyes because tomorrow (I wouldn't be suprised to see Ricky Gervais peaking over the fence. I'm guessing he is a watcher.) is pollination day for the 1204 Scherber plant. Today I got some male flowers from a local grower who has a 1810 Stevens pumpkin plant (a plant grown from a seed taken from the World Record 1,810 pound pumpkin). If the pollination takes then the pumpkin will start growing and at the end of the season I hope to have some great pumpkin seeds with the genetics from the 1810 plant and my 1204 plant mixed together.

I gave the plants some foliar compost tea today along with some CalCarb and calcium.

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