Friday, July 8, 2011

New Personal Best for a 10 Day Measurement

Today it has been 10 days since I pollinated the 1204 Scherber. The 10 day mark is when you can relax about the pollination not taking and the pumpkin aborting and the day that you start worrying about a whole new set of problems (as one good pumpkin grower once told me, "Yep. That is what we do. Worry.")

The circumference measurement on the 1204 Scherber today was 22 inches. That is an inch bigger than any other pumpkin I have ever grown. Unfortuneatly it doesn't mean anything. The world record 1,725 pound pumpkin had a 10 day measurement of just 17 inches and it turned out all right. However, I would take a bigger 10 day measurement than a smaller one any time.

After the 1 1/2 inches of rain we got yesterday it is going to be interesting to see what the pumpkins are going to do. The vines are growing like crazy right now.

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