The pumpkins put on some nice weight while I was gone. Both pumpkins are more than a foot bigger in circumference than my pumpkins last year and both pumpkins last year were personal bests. No complaints where things are at right now.
The 868 had one concern this evening however. A tiny bit of sap was coming from the blossom end. It was a clear, gel like substance. In that area I wiped it down with a solution of 50% bleach and the put a little sulfur powder on it.
Gave both plants a touch of fish & seaweed along with some calcium.
Wow, that pumpkin is getting huge!
I just keep praying that it will keep growing.
Hello I'm new to pumpkin growing I live in the UK and my atlantic Dills are only about apple size at best,we have not had much sun,I'm feeding regular,is there anything I can do to get some growth on these .
Lack of sun (a minimum of 6 hours a day is needed) and/or cooler temperatures can be a problem. Not a whole lot you can do about that. Fertilizing in small doses once a week like you are doing is a good idea. As long as your watering is correct and the soil has what the plant needs then eventually, when the weather gets a little better that pumpkin will take off. For the first 20 days the pumpkin growth is usually slow to moderate. A 15 inch Atlantic Giant pumpkin at 10 days after pollination isn't uncommon. At day 20 however the pumpkins take off and you can almost see the growth each day.
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