Monday, August 29, 2011

Got Shirt?

Get this great shirt for your significant other who has been a "widow" during the pumpkin growing season. Perfect for wearing to the upcoming weigh-offs. Very limited quantities so order now.


  1. got some thing eating my pumpkins ! i had six and skunk or coon came in and chewed big hole in three on three different nights ,

  2. I know your pain. I saw on the kids pumpkin this morning a few bite marks from a vole. And then under the 1204 pumpkin today I discovered that something had burrowed a hole under the pumpkin. What I usually do is spray a solution of 10% bleach on the bite areas so the pumpkin doesn't taste good anymore and so the bite areas don't rot. And then I also put moth balls around the pumpkin. Lastly I'll put out some mouse traps with peanut butter on them to get the smaller guys.
