Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Pumpkin Plants are in the Hoop House and in the Ground

I finally finished up the hoop houses yesterday and got the plants in the ground in the evening.  I like to put my plants in the ground in late afternoon because they seem to transition better when they aren't dealing with the bright son and warm weather.  I should have got my plants in the ground about 5 days earlier but when you are running a website business you don't always have the time for pumpkin growing that you would like.

I put in both of the 1451 Scherber plants into one hoop house and put the 335 Scherber and the 1789 Wallace into the other hoop house.  Once the leaves start touching then I'll have to make a decision as to which plant I want to go with and take the other one out.  Up until about 3 days ago I didn't think I would be going with the 1789 plant but it has started to get going lately and when I took the plant out of it's pot I was very impressed with the root system on it.  That plant is 5 days younger than the 335 plant and it had a slightly bigger root system on it.

When I planted the plants I put some myco in the planting holes and then watered the plants with some seaweed, Actinovate, Biotamax and Azos in the water.  The last three items are biologicals that have lots of friendly organisms that will help feed the plant and fight off diseases.

Over the next few days I'll be giving the plants extra water and watching the hoop house temperatures.  Although I hardened the plants off they always have a bit of a struggle dealing with the bright sun, wind and sometimes warmer and cooler temperatures.

335 Scherber (left) 1789 Wallace (right)

1451 Scherber pumpkin plants

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