Saturday, June 30, 2012

Soil Drench of Good Bacteria & Fungi for Pumpkin Plants

Today I did a soil drench with Biotamax, Azos and Actinovate on both pumpkin plants.  As I've talked about before, the idea is to overwhelm the bad bacteria with good bacteria and fungi such as trichoderma to make sure the soil food web is properly feeding the plants.  In late June in Colorado the soils are warm enough to get bad fungi and bacteria such as fusarium going which can kill or harm your plants.  I used a quarter tablet of Biotamax on each pumpkin plant along with a 1/2 tablespoon of Azos and Actinovate.  I also gave the plants some foliar compost tea.

I'm going to till the last of the patch now.  It will be good to finally have that done.

Latest pictures from the patch:

1789 Wallace is Looking Good

1451 Finally Getting the Side Vines Going after the Original Main Termination

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