Monday, July 9, 2012

Cool, Rainy Weather & Powdery Mildew

I think all of Denver have been enjoying the cool and rainy weather over the last few days.  We got about 2 inches of rain in the pumpkin patch which is amazing considering how hot and dry it has been.  I don't think we have had any measurable rain for about two months. 

As much as the pumpkin plants are loving this extra water the cool, wet weather does bring on the potential of powdery mildew.  Usually we don't see powdery mildew until the first couple of weeks in August in Denver but to help any premature powdery mildew I sprayed the patch with Actinovate.  I found last year it seems to be helpful in preventing powdery mildew so getting on it early should prove helpful later in the year.

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