Saturday, September 29, 2012

A Good Finish to the Season

Today we took the pumpkin to the scale and had a pleasant surprise. I kind of thought my pumpkin would go heavy but I didn't expect it to go 9% heavy which pushed me up to 837 pounds and a 4th place finish overall. A big thanks for the support of my wife and family in allowing this season to take place. Also a big thanks to the growers in the RMGVG.

Top honors today went to Joe Scherber with a very nice 1,225 pounder. A very nice pumpkin.

A new world record pumpkin was weighed yesterday. An absolutely amazing 2,009 pounds grown by Ron Wallace of Rhode Island. I've had dinner with Ron and he is a class act so a very big congrats to him.


  1. Congrats, that thing is a beast! I had a quick question for you also. A lot of the record breakers seem to come from the northeast. Is that coincidence or is it the weather or what?

  2. Thanks. There is an area in the US and southern Canada often referred to as the orange belt. New England, Ohio, Northwest and parts of California have weather that is ideal for pumpkin growing. The night time temperatures are too low in Colorado plus this year the day time temperatures were too high on average to grow a big one but we keep trying.
