Saturday, September 8, 2012

Latest Pictures from the Pumpkin Patch

Yesterday, for the first time, growth dropped off from 8-9 pounds a day to 3 pounds.  I only measure every couple of days so I wouldn't be surprised if the pumpkin has stopped growing.  In one last attempt at squeezing some extra pounds out of this pumpkin I gave the plant some extra water today along with a descent helping of liquid seaweed (0-0-1).  In a few days I'll measure again and see if anything has happened.  If it has stopped growing I'll keep the pumpkin on the vine but keep the pumpkin covered to help make sure it makes it to the scale.


  1. Looks good! What's the estimated weight?

  2. I haven't measured it in a while but at the last measurement it was 675.

  3. That is sooooo cool! Way to go! (and seaweed water, is that the secret?!). Will you enter it in a contest?

  4. Yes, this pumpkin will be going to a weigh-off in 10 days. Liquid seaweed has a number of different nutrients, hormones and enzymes so plants love it but it is just one piece in a big puzzle of growing giant pumpkins. The rest of this site talks about everything I use and do during the course of a season.
