Sunday, October 7, 2012

They Grow Em Big In Oregon

I conveniently arrange for a business meeting to be the same time as the big Bauman Farm weigh-off in Oregon.  It is an amazing experience to be able to see multiple pumpkins over 1,700 pounds.  The following are some of my pics from the trip.  More to come.

The first pic is of Steve Deletas 1,799.5 pounder.  This one went down to rot around the stem a month ago.  The pumpkin went from 18 pounds a day down to 14 and then two days latter it drop to 2 pounds a day.  As you can see in the third picture it was thick inside.  Steve claimed the pumpkin had lost 50 pounds since it was initially weighed.  They dropped this pumpkin latter that day from a crane.  The earth must have rippled.

The second picture was the winning pumpkin.  Also over 1,700 pounds and also grown by Steve Deletas.  Not nearly as big but it went very heavy.

Thanks to Thad Starr and family for putting me up over the weekend.  Had a great time with them.

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