Friday, April 19, 2013

Giant Pumpkin Seed Starting Mixture

My first seeds have popped open and will be going in their pots this evening.  This year I'm trying a slightly different soil-less seed starting mixture.  The last couple of years I've used ProMix BX with my own worm castings.  This year I'm using a mixture of 65% ProMix BX, 10% worm castings and 25% Fox Farm's Ocean Forest.  The Ocean Forest has a touch of extra nutrients added to it including earthworm castings, bat guano, fish meal and crab meal so I thought I would give it a try.  The Ocean Forest has a nice dark look to it and I've seen some good reviews for it in the past.  I've used the Fox Farm Light Warrior mix in the past.  It was great for starting the seeds but was nightmare getting the plants out of the pots because it just crumbled apart when out of the pot.  I don't expect that type of problem with Ocean Forest.

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