Saturday, June 1, 2013

And Then There Was One (Pumpkin Plant in Each Hoop House)

In each hoop house I took out the backup plants today.  It is always kind of a hard thing to do.  You always wonder if you are taking out the plant that could grow your next big pumpkin.  Both of the plants (1789 Wallace and 335 Scherber) were nice looking plants.  Just not as nice as the 1421 Stelts and 1775 Starr plants.

I also put down 2 3/4 pounds of blood meal across the entire pumpkin patch today and then watered it in.  After talking with Joe yesterday I decided some more nitrogen would be a good thing and blood meal is an easy choice for nitrogen when your potassium and phosphorous are high.

The 1421 and 1775 are growing like champs these days.  The 1421 in particular is growing quickly.  It is putting on 6-8 inches per day on the main vine right now and if it keeps up this pace will be out of the hoop house by the end of this week if not sooner.  It is about 4 1/2 long right now and the 1775 isn't too far behind it.

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