Thursday, June 20, 2013

Foliar Magnesium & Calcium for the Pumpkin Plants

This evening I did a foliar application of magnesium and calcium on the pumpkin plants.  My soil is high in potassium which will block some of the magnesium in the soil from being taken up by the roots so foliar applications of magnesium should help get the plants what they need.

I'm not 100% sure if foliar calcium can be absorbed by pumpkin leaves, but if calcium can be absorbed then I believe Metalosate Calcium or NurtiCal are the two best choices.  NutriCal isn't organic so it isn't my first choice so I mostly use Metalosate Calcium.  Next week I plan on doing a leaf tissue test so I can know exactly what the plant is absorbing and what it needs.  I've never done this before so I'm hoping that when the pumpkin starts growing I can be ready to give it what it needs.

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