Saturday, July 13, 2013

Foliar Minerals for the Pumpkin Plants

This evening I gave the pumpkin plants a foliar application of Albion's organic Metalosate Multimineral.  My tissue test came back fairly normal except for about 4 minerals and the Metalosate Multimineral had everything that I needed in it.  I like their product because everything is chelated and it is chelated in an organic way that I believe may be more absorbable by the leaves.  I've used their calcium product for the last two years and have liked it.

Leaf burn hit the 1775 plant hard on the new growth this last week and although the overhead mister was running while I was out of town it doesn't run as much as when I'm in town.    I'll often run it manually during the heat of the day on really hot dies while I'm here.  About two feet of new leaves are melted on a number of the vines. 

The 1421 pumpkin (Stanley) grew very nicely this last week.  More than I anticipated.  I got in this evening and I haven't put a tape around either pumpkin yet.

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