Wednesday, July 31, 2013

The 335 Scherber and Some Foliar for the Elbert

Tomorrow I'm going to pollinate a second pumpkin on my son's 335 Scherber plant.  That pumpkin is the product of a clone of the plant that grew a 1775 pound pumpkin crossed with a plant that grew a 1663 pound pumpkin.  Tomorrow I'll be pollinating it with a clone of world record 2009 pound pumpkin.  On paper it is a very impressive cross.

My sons plant is very impressive for the space it has and the quality of the soil it is growing in.  My son's personal best pumpkin was about 230 pounds and he is already over 150 pounds with two months of growing left to go.

This evening I gave a foliar application of 0-1-1 with some liquid seaweed in it to the 1775 plant.  Also sprayed the vines after the fruit on the 1421 plant.  The 1775 is still moderatley slow growing so I'm hoping this will give it a little umph.

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