Monday, September 2, 2013

All Pumpkins Are Still Growing

I took a measurement on the 1421 pumpkin this afternoon and it is still growing.  Unfortunately I don't know exactly where it is at.  I use an app to record my measurements but when I put my phone in my pocket it entered in a bunch of extra characters for each measurement so I didn't get a final number.  I'll take another measurement again tomorrow.  I'm just happy to see that it is still growing relatively well.  I hadn't measured it in a week.

The 1421 plant still seems pretty happy.  All but the oldest of the leaves are in pretty good shape so I'm hoping that pumpkin can keep moving along and we don't see any rot due to the split.  I pollinated two pumpkins last week on the 1421 with pollen from the clone of the world record plant that grew the 2,009 pound pumpkin in the hopes of getting seeds.  Also pollinated the 335 plant with the 2009 clone. All of the pollinations seem to have taken so far.

The 1775 and my son's 335 pumpkin are also still growing but relatively slowly.  With 3 1/2 weeks until the first weigh-off I'm hoping these two hold on.  They seem to have matured relatively quickly and both of the plants are not looking happy these days so I'm hoping they can stay together.

This evening all of the plants got some foliar fish & seaweed as well as some on the ground.

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