Tuesday, May 27, 2014

And Then there was Two

Today I did the thing I least like to do during the growing season and that was to make a choice on which plants I want to grow and take out the other companion plant in each hoop house.  I've decided to go with the 1791 Holland and my larger 335 Scherber pumpkin plants.  It was really a coin toss between the 1791 and the 282 Scherber.  In the end I went with the 1791 because it was the more vigorous plant at this point of the season.  Both plants have fantastic genetics and were healthy looking plants so I could have gone either way.  You hate to pull a plant like the 282 knowing that its parent grew a 2,009 pound pumpkin but you have to make a choice.  I hope at the end of the season I don't regret it.  I also know Joe is going to do everything he can to grow his 282 to Colorado state record size just to put it in my face at the end of the season and I hope he does.  Lol

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