Sunday, June 22, 2014

Seaweed Drench & Watching Out for Bugs

This evening I did a soil drench with liquid seaweed on the areas where the vines have reached out the farthest.  I also applied some insecticide on all of the plants.  My daughter pointed out that something has been chewing on her plants.  I didn't recognize it before because some of her leaves had holes in them from hail damage, but when I looked more closely I recognized that she was right.  I sprayed all of the plants with some insecticide this evening when the bees wouldn't be out.  I don't prefer to use bug spray but I've lost nice plants in the past due to yellow vine disease which is spread by squash bugs and I'd prefer to not have that happen again.

Should be pollinating a female on the 335 plant tomorrow morning. 


  1. Thank you so much for sharing your expertise. I am growing my first large pumpkin this year in Hempstead, Texas. We are 50 miles northwest of Houston - read HOT and humid. My pumpkin is about the size of a basketball. When should I begin to cover it to protect it from the sun?? Thank you in advance for your advice.

  2. I would suggest covering it with a cheap white sheet now. That will help protect the skin of the pumpkin from the sun.
