Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Weeding is No Fun, But it Helps Grow Big Pumpkins

"Weeding is no fun, but it helps grow BIG pumpkins."
"Weeding is no fun, but it helps grow BIG pumpkins."
"Weeding is no fun, but it helps grow BIG pumpkins."

If I say it enough times eventually you'll start to believe it.  Like most people I don't enjoy weeding.  One of the biggest reasons I put in a cover crop in the spring is because it helps suppress weeds and when I till that cover crop in I have no weeds for a month.  The last week of June the weeds start coming back and so tonight I weeded the better part of 1,000 square feet.  With the right tools it goes relatively fast, but me daughter asked, "Why are you sweating so much?" when I was done.  It gets a little tiring.

This evening I did a foliar application of seaweed of fulvic acid on both of the plants

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