Saturday, October 11, 2014

A Nice End to the Season

To say this season was miserable would be an understatement.  After losing both plants I decided to try to save a pumpkin and I'm glad now I did.  After a month and a half off the vine my little Lucille made it to the scale twice. 

Today I went back to my roots and took my pumpkin to the Festval of Scarecrows, the place of my first ever weigh-off.  Along with it I had my kids pumpkins along with the biggest pumpkin grown in Colorado by Joe.  Pulling up at the weigh-off you would have thought we were rock stars.  Most people have never seen a 500+ pound pumpkin more or less a 1,300 pound pumpkin.  The smiles on their faces makes a season of hard work worth it.

In the weigh-off we took all of the top honors with the kids taking 1st and 2nd (even beating all of the adults by a lot) and I took first in the adult division.  I got a lot of seed requests at the weigh-off.  It was a fun day.

Took this picture before the weigh-off.  I love fall.

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