Friday, January 23, 2015

Next Season's Pumpkin Seeds: A Remake of Great Genetics

I've finally landed on what seeds I'm going to grow next season.  This year I'm growing all white, which is a first.  To me the seeds are just too good to not plant them.  I'll be growing a 282 Scherber and a 1415 Scherber.  Basically they are pretty much the same seed.  The 282 is a selfed clone of the plant that grew the world record 2,009 pound pumpkin.  The 1415 is a selfed 282 seed that probably would have ended up as a new Colorado state record but the pumpkin went down a few weeks prior to the weigh-off.

I plan on selfing the 1415 seed which would make it a fourth generation selfed seed.  The 1725 world record came from a selfed 1385 seed.  The 282 seed was a selfed seed.  And then the 1415 was a selfed 282 seed.  So far this line has done very, very well and I'd like to keep those genetics going.

The cross I'm even more excited about is crossing the 282 seed with a 1409 Miller.  The last two world record pumpkins came from a 2009 Wallace seed.  The 2009 Wallace is a cross of a 1725 Harp x 1409 Miller. The 282 seed is a selfed clone of that same 1725 Harp.  In a sense this is as close to a remake as someone could get.  My son and daughter are both going to grow 1409 Millers (thanks to the kind growers who got me the seeds over the Christmas break!) and I'm going to cross and reverse cross the 282 and 1415 plants with the 1409 plants every which way I can and then hope one of them works out as well as the 2009 Wallace seed has done.

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