Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Interesting How the Enviroment Effects the Plants

April in Colorado was unseasonably warm.  Very mild temperatures and little rain for the entire month.  At the end of April the plants in the neighborhood I noticed were about two weeks ahead of schedule.  Flowers were coming out much earlier than normal and the leaves on the trees were our very, very early for some types of trees.

May however was very different.  Below normal temperatures and much higher than normal rain along with very little sun brought everything to a standstill.  Looking at the plants there were some definitely some winners and losers. 

Grass of course loved the rain and cool weather.  Everyone in the neighborhood looks like they are master gardeners right now.  I have yet to turn on my sprinkler system and I probably won't have to until the beginning of next week if the forecast is true.  That is easily 5 weeks later than normal and unprecedented.

Roses and a lot of the warm season flowering plants seem to be way behind.  Normally my rose plants would be flowering right now and they are just starting to bud and maybe 3/4 their typical size.  My clematis are also behind and 1/2 the height they would typically be right now.  It is interesting to see how much climate effects all of this.

Gave the pumpkin plants (and the rest of the plants in the yeard) a foliar application of muti-mineral in order to help support the fast plant growth.

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