Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Strong End to the Season

Typically a pumpkin will put on about 66% of its weight in the first half of its growing days (about 45-50 days) and then will put on the remainder of its weight in the last 45-50 days.  My 1985 Miller pumpkin put on about 12% more than the average of its weight in the 2nd half of the season.  That is partially a testament to how much it got screwed up during the irrigation issues, but I think it was also a long grower.  The pumpkin is now about 104 days old and the last I checked it was still growing.  Would really have liked to have grown this seed again to give it a fair shot at its potential.

About a month and a half ago I gave myself the goal of trying to get the pumpkin over 700lbs.  To me that is a really small pumpkin that I have in the patch, but I figured I wasn't going to have a big one so I would at least try to make it interesting.  700lbs at that time was going to be a stretch.  I thought 650 was the best chance I had, but it will be estimating just over 700lbs by this Friday.

I'm going to cut the pumpkin from the vine and take it to Colorado Springs weigh-off on Saturday.  Wish me luck!

Gave the pumpkin plant one final foliar dose of RAW Bloom on Tuesday.  Trying to squeeze out one more extra pound before the weigh-off.

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