Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Seaweed & Omina for Pumpkin Plants

The day before yesterday I gave the pumpkin plants some omina with a little b-vitamins.   Those amino acids will help with the uptake of calcium in the plant and gives the plants a little nitrogen.  Yesterday I gave the plants a healthy foliar application of kelp.  Kelp gives the plants growth hormones and a number of micro-nutrients.  My main objective was to help the plants survive the cold over the next few days.  Up on the mountain, maybe just 500 feet higher in altitude there was snow.   Temperatures were relatively cold, but lots of light bulbs in the hoop houses and covering the hoop houses didn't let it get below 45 degrees.  Not ideal growing temperatures, but it keeps the plants alive.

Tonight will be ever colder with a forecasted temperature of 24 degrees.   Hoping the power doesn't go out.

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