Monday, June 19, 2017

Pumpkin Growth

Day 10 for both pumpkins and growth has been very slow on both pumpkins.   Day 10 measurements don't really mean anything, but of course you would rather see bigger rather than smaller.  The 747 is champ of the patch right now, but I've had measurements that were 10 inches bigger in the past on the same number of growing days.  With the wind damage sustained and cold nights, I guess it isn't a surprise.   This next week will be the first night where the lows will be in the 50s.  That is a good thing.  Below 54 degrees and the plants don't grow so there have been hours each night that nothing is going on in my patch since they have been planted outdoors.  

I remember the Wyoming growers were always way behind in the early season, but seemed to catch up some until September.  I'm hoping that is the case for me here.  When it starts getting over 92 degrees the plants also tend to shut down, so my cooler daytime temperatures will help me some during the heat of the summer.  Temps in Salt Lake are supposed to be over 100 this week, but I probably won't get over 95, so that is maybe where I can make up some ground.  Simple fact is, however, that growing in Midway is not ideal and with the damage to the plants I have I'll be lucky if I get anything close to 1,000 pounds this year.

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