Thursday, September 14, 2017

Big Thanks to Lee Perry! Hauling Pumpkins Just Got a Little Easier

Met a true gentleman yesterday.   Lee Perry popped by my house with a couple of nice surprise gifts.  I had posted that I was looking for a lifting chain on Facebook and Lee came to the rescue.   The lifting strap, called a Dori sling, is the blue one pictured to the right.  He does fantastic workmanship.   That strap you put on the forks of a fork lift with a pumpkin lifting ring in between to lift the pumpkin.  In the past I used a neighbors chain, but since I moved I didn't have access to that anymore.   This Dori sling will work much better than a chain and there is a much smaller risk of it breaking than a chain.

He also gave me the yellow strap to use when hauling the pumpkin.   This is a fantastic invention.   Sounded like he wasn't going to sell these, but another famous (or is that infamous-lol) grower from up north is going to sell them, but Lee is going to make them.   What you do is put those yellow straps over the top of the pumpkin when you have it on a trailer, when hauling the pumpkin to the weigh-off (or back).  If you have ever seen a picture of a truck bed after the driver had to slam on the breaks with a pumpkin in tow you'll know why one of these can come in handy.  I've ALWAYS worried about that.   With these straps, that should no longer be a problem.  A BIG thanks to Lee!

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