Friday, May 25, 2018

King of the Patch and Final Amendments

Last night I amended the 1974 plant's patch and tilled in the winter rye.   I put down some 32-3-8 with iron, humic acid, manganese, boron and kelp meal and tilled it deep.  The 1974 plant is king of the patch right now.  Big leaves and aggressive grower.  It is about 8 inches from the end of the hoop house right now.  I'll leave the hoop house on it as long as I possibly can.  Will probably have to take it off on Saturday.  It has a female in the vine tip that will be at about 9 feet when the vine lays down (this plant has cobra vines).

The 2145 plant is maybe a foot behind in length and also looks good.  Been delayed on the greenhouse setup for it, but hope to get back to it after the weekend.  The female on this plant has a bit of color to it, so I think it will produce orange pumpkins.

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