Friday, June 8, 2018

Spoon Fertilizing the Pumpkin Plants & Watering System

Another busy week.  Vine burying has kicked into full gear.  Warmer weather has been pushing the vines out.  Nights are still too cool however.  Got the watering lines valves and piping for the 2145 patch yesterday, so I plan on putting in the Daan micros with the water heater this weekend I hope.   Yesterday I gave the plants some Biotamax (beneficial bacteria and fungi) along with some Azos.  Today I sprayed on the soil some 3-12-12 with a half dose of 20-0-0 mixed in with it and then watered it all in.

Yesterday I also put some well broken down compost on the buried vines.  That will provide some additional nutrients for the plants.

If I get time, I'll add some pictures tomorrow.

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