Thursday, May 30, 2019

Updates from the Pumpkin Patch

Yesterday and today are looking to be the best weather we've had in about 3 weeks.  Cool, cloudy and rainy has been the norm, with the daytime highs in only the low 50s for the most part.  NOT great growing weather.   I've done everything I can to try to mitigate that.  I don't think I've turned off the heat lamps in the last three weeks.   On rate occasion, the sun has popped out for an hour or so and I could get the temps into the high 70s or sometimes low 80s during those stretches, but typically it has been a battle.

Color on the 2005 is much better these days so the RAW Grow and nitrogen have been doing the trick.  Some but not a lot of side vine growth on that plant, but the main vine growth has been good.  I've had to create a hole for the main vine to grow through yesterday because it has outgrown the 8 foot long hoop house.  A female on the main vine tip on it.  This plant is a bit of wuss when it gets hot so it will need some babying.

The 2255 is maybe just 8 inches behind on main vine growth. It is at the very end of the hoop house.  Side vine growth is good.  Big leaves on this plant.   Nothing seems to bother this plant much.  It reacts the same in all weather conditions and temperatures.   It also has a female at the end of the vine tip.

Weather forecast starting Sunday looks like we might be in a more spring like weather pattern.   70s and 80s with a lower change of rain.  Yea!  Maybe we can start growing these things.  It has just felt like a battle most of May.   Comparing this years plants to last year (which had much better weather), I would guess I'm about 6 days behind on growth.  Which isn't bad considering.  I started the plants 3 days later than last year, so maybe 3-4 days behind when looking at the total number of days grown.

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