Monday, July 1, 2019

Biologicals for Giant Pumpkin Plants

Today I gave all of the plants biologicals such as beneficial bacteria and fungi to help to protect the plants.  I sprayed Actinovate on the leaves and on the soil which helps to protect the leaves from things like powdery mildew and soil born diseases. Then on the soil I also sprayed azos and Biotamax (tricoaderma & bacteria).  This time of the year the soils are warm and moist.  Perfect conditions for the bad guys to try to take over the biology of the soil, so in theory, adding the good guys to the soil helps the good guys dominate as well as protect and feed the plant. 

One thing I recently read was the idea of how the soil near the new growth is exposed to the sun so it dries out faster, but the soil under the leaf canopy says moist because it is shaded.  So the challenge is not over watering the stump area while under watering the out edges of the plant.   I don't have a great solution for this, but something to think about.

One other biological I add while burying the vines is mycos to each leaf node along with granular seaweed, azos and humic acid.  Just a pinch at where the roots come out at each leaf node. 

Not since my 1421 plant from years ago have I had so many roots popping out of the soil on my 2005 plant.  In particular I can tell these roots are coming off the side vines.  I may be over watering some (I backed off a little on the water today--hard because of the temperature swings), so that could be why, but I hope it is because this plant has vigorous root growth.  The plant seems very happy.

The 2005 plant has been terminated on about 1/2 of its growing space.   I would guess I'll have it terminated 90% by the middle of July.   In about 2 weeks from now that pumpkin should be taking off.

The 2255 plant has a lot more room to grow.  On one side it is about 25% terminated.  On the other side it has a fair amount more room.  I'll let this plant grow as much as I can, because the old leaves on the plant are already hammered, so I'll need new growth to power the pumpkin.   It has only taken up about 35% of its available growing space.

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